Aminet 24
Aminet 24 (1998)(GTI - Schatztruhe)[!][Apr 1998].iso
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C/C++ Source or Header
451 lines
#define __CONSTLIBBASEDECL__ const
#include <proto/graphics.h>
#include <proto/exec.h>
#include <dos/dos.h>
#include "chunky.h"
///"some static prototypes"
static void text_softstyle( struct ChunkyPort *, char *, int );
static void text_chk( struct ChunkyPort *, char *, int );
static void text_w3d( struct ChunkyPort *, char *, int );
static void text_3d ( struct ChunkyPort *, char *, int );
static void text_ol ( struct ChunkyPort *, char *, int );
static void text_emb( struct ChunkyPort *, char *, int );
static void text_bld( struct ChunkyPort *, char *, int );
///"static inline void text_chk( struct ChunkyPort *, char *, int )"
static inline char get_pen( char *cb, long bpr, long x, long y )
return( *((UBYTE *)((ULONG )cb ) + ( ( bpr * y ) + x ) ) );
static void text_chk( struct ChunkyPort *cp, char *text, int length )
// Better Text(rp, txt, txtlen) - replacement
// Init all those static variables
struct TextFont *tf = cp->cp_Font;
char dpen = cp->cp_APen;
int sx, sy, dx, dy, x, y;
UBYTE *src = cp->cp_TxtChunky;
WORD *cloc = tf->tf_CharLoc;
UWORD *cspa = tf->tf_CharSpace;
UWORD *ckern= tf->tf_CharKern;
int cwidth, cx, spa, kern;
int bpr = tf->tf_Modulo * 8;
char c, p;
if( tf == NULL ) return;
if( strlen( text ) == 0 ) return;
while( length-- )
c = *text++;
// Is the character in the CharLocation ?
// If not, set it to this 'unknown' amiga character
if( ( c < tf->tf_LoChar || c > tf->tf_HiChar ) )
c = tf->tf_HiChar + 1;
// Get real character offset
// Ie.: if loChar == 'A' then it's the first Character
// in each offset-table
c -= tf->tf_LoChar;
cx = cloc[ c*2 ];
cwidth = cloc[ c*2+1];
// NOTE: CharSpace[] and CharKern[] do not exist on some fixed-width-fonts
spa = cspa ? cspa[c] : tf->tf_XSize;
kern = ckern ? ckern[c] : 0;
// Now we have the following vars set:
// cx = #byte-offset of first character-pixel
// cwidth = real width of character
// spa = spacing ( rect of printed character )
// kern = kerning ( start of printed char. into those spacing )
sx = cp->cp_cx + kern;
cp->cp_cx += spa;
sy = cp->cp_cy - cp->cp_TxBaseline;
// Test the various font behavior
if( cp->cp_Flags == JAM1 ){
for( y = 0; y < tf->tf_YSize; y++ )
dx = sx;
for( x = cx; x < cx + cwidth; x++ )
p = get_pen( src, bpr, x, y );
// only set dest if p != 0
if( p ) SET_BYTE( cp, dpen, dx, sy+y );
else if( cp->cp_Flags == JAM2 ){
for( y = 0; y < tf->tf_YSize; y++ )
dx = sx;
for( x = cx; x < cx + cwidth; x++ )
p = get_pen( src, bpr, x, y );
// if 0x00 -> bpen
// if 0x01 -> apen
SET_BYTE( cp, p?dpen:cp->cp_BPen, dx++, sy+y );
else if( cp->cp_Flags == INVERSVID ){
for( y = 0; y < tf->tf_YSize; y++ )
dx = sx;
for( x = cx; x < cx + cwidth; x++ )
p = get_pen( src, bpr, x, y );
// if 0x00 -> apen
// if 0x01 -> bpen
SET_BYTE( cp, p?cp->cp_BPen:dpen, dx++, sy+y );
///"static inline text_bld( struct ChunkyPort *, char *, int )"
static void text_bld( struct ChunkyPort *cp, char *t, int l)
// draw text bold - twice w/ shifted and or'ed
int o_f = cp->cp_Flags;
int x = cp->cp_cx, y = cp->cp_cy;
// needed!
cp->cp_Flags = JAM1;
text_chk( cp, t, l );
MoveChk( cp, x+1, y );
text_chk( cp, t, l );
cp->cp_Flags = o_f;
static void text_w3d( struct ChunkyPort *cp, char *t, int l )
// Use bpen as shadow and apen as textpen
int x = cp->cp_cx;
int y = cp->cp_cy;
char bpen = cp->cp_BPen;
char apen = cp->cp_APen;
SetAPenChk( cp, bpen );
// Draw dark shadow of 3d
text_bld( cp, t, l );
MoveChk( cp, x-2, y-2 );
// draw light pen of 3d
SetAPenChk( cp, apen );
text_chk( cp, t, l );
static void text_3d ( struct ChunkyPort *cp, char *t, int l )
// Use bpen as shadow and apen as textpen
int x = cp->cp_cx;
int y = cp->cp_cy;
char bpen = cp->cp_BPen;
char apen = cp->cp_APen;
SetAPenChk( cp, bpen );
if( cp->cp_TxStyle & FSF_BOLD ){
// Draw dark shadow of 3d
text_bld( cp, t, l );
MoveChk( cp, x-2, y-2 );
// draw light pen of 3d
SetAPenChk( cp, apen );
text_bld( cp, t, l );
} else {
// Draw dark shadow of 3d
text_chk( cp, t, l );
MoveChk( cp, x-1, y-1 );
// draw light pen of 3d
SetAPenChk( cp, apen );
text_chk( cp, t, l );
static void text_ol ( struct ChunkyPort *cp, char *t, int l)
UWORD xpos, ypos;
int x = cp->cp_cx;
int y = cp->cp_cy;
char open = cp->cp_OPen;
char apen = cp->cp_APen;
int o_f = cp->cp_Flags;
cp->cp_Flags = JAM1;
if( cp->cp_TxStyle & FSF_BOLD ){
SetAPenChk( cp, open );
for( ypos = y; ypos < y+3; ypos++ ){
for( xpos = x; xpos < x+3; xpos++){
MoveChk( cp, xpos, ypos );
text_bld( cp, t, l );
SetAPenChk( cp, apen );
MoveChk( cp, x+1, y+1 );
text_bld( cp, t, l );
SetAPenChk( cp, open );
for( ypos = y; ypos < y+3; ypos++ ){
for( xpos = x; xpos < x+3; xpos++){
MoveChk( cp, xpos, ypos );
text_chk( cp, t, l );
SetAPenChk( cp, apen );
MoveChk( cp, x+1, y+1 );
text_chk( cp, t, l );
cp->cp_Flags = o_f;
static void text_emb( struct ChunkyPort *cp, char *t, int l )
// use: - apen as textpen 0/0
// - bpen as hshadowpen -1/-1
// - open as shinepen +1/+1
int x = cp->cp_cx;
int y = cp->cp_cy;
char open = cp->cp_OPen;
char apen = cp->cp_APen;
char bpen = cp->cp_BPen;
int o_f = cp->cp_Flags;
cp->cp_Flags = JAM1;
if( cp->cp_TxStyle & FSF_BOLD ){
SetAPenChk( cp, bpen );
MoveChk( cp, x-1, y-1 );
text_bld( cp, t, l );
SetAPenChk( cp, open );
MoveChk( cp, x+1, y+1 );
text_bld( cp, t, l );
SetAPenChk( cp, apen );
MoveChk( cp, x, y );
text_bld( cp, t, l );
SetAPenChk( cp, bpen );
MoveChk( cp, x-1, y-1 );
text_chk( cp, t, l );
SetAPenChk( cp, open );
MoveChk( cp, x+1, y+1 );
text_chk( cp, t, l );
SetAPenChk( cp, apen );
MoveChk( cp, x, y );
text_chk( cp, t, l );
cp->cp_Flags = o_f;
///"static inline void text_softstyle( struct ChunkyPort *, char *, int )"
static inline void text_softstyle( struct ChunkyPort *cp, char *text, int len )
// draw the text with the softstyle set
// possible combinations of the softstyle:
// First test the normal possibilities
if( cp->cp_TxStyle == FS_NORMAL ){
text_chk( cp, text, len );
} else if( cp->cp_TxStyle == FSF_BOLD ){
text_bld( cp, text, len );
// Test the possible combinations
} else if( cp->cp_TxStyle & FSF_3D ){
text_3d(cp, text, len );
} else if( cp->cp_TxStyle & FSF_WIDE3D ){
text_w3d( cp, text, len );
} else if( cp->cp_TxStyle & FSF_OUTLINE ){
text_ol ( cp, text, len );
} else if( cp->cp_TxStyle & FSF_EMBOSSED ){
text_emb( cp, text, len );
} else {
text_chk( cp, text, len );
///"void SetFontChk( struct ChunkyPort *, struct TextFont *)"
void SetFontChk( struct ChunkyPort *cp, struct TextFont *tf )
// SetFont(rp, font ) - replacement
// Same font? -> return
if( cp->cp_Font == tf ) return;
if( tf == NULL ) return;
// Init ChunkyPort structure
cp->cp_Font = tf;
cp->cp_TxHeight = tf->tf_YSize;
cp->cp_TxBaseline = tf->tf_Baseline;
// Set soft style back to normal
SetSoftStyleChk( cp, FS_NORMAL );
// Free old TxtChunky
if(cp->cp_TxtChunky ) FreeVec( cp->cp_TxtChunky );
cp->cp_TxtChunky = NULL;
// Install new TxtChunky
if( cp->cp_TxtChunky = AllocVec( 8*tf->tf_YSize * tf->tf_Modulo, MEMF_CLEAR|MEMF_ANY ) )
// Convert tf->tf_CharLoc to an array of ChunkyBytes
struct BitMap *bm;
struct p2cStruct p2c;
BPTR fh;
if( bm = AllocBitMap( tf->tf_Modulo * 8, tf->tf_YSize, 1, BMF_CLEAR, NULL ) )
CopyMem( tf->tf_CharData, bm->Planes[0], tf->tf_YSize * tf->tf_Modulo );
p2c.ChunkyBuffer = cp->cp_TxtChunky;
p2c.startx = 0;
p2c.starty = 0;
p2c.bmap = bm;
p2c.width = ( tf->tf_Modulo * 8 );
p2c.height = tf->tf_YSize;